decorative pattern

Data Charts

See how your county compares in Texas for a set of health indicators.

Bastrop County 2024


of 244 ranked counties in Texas in 2023


Health outcomes represent how healthy a county is right now, in terms of length of life but quality of life as well.

Bastrop (BAS) is ranked among the healthiest counties in Texas (Highest 75%-100%).

Scale graphic showing that Bexar County being ranked among the top 25% healthiest counties in Texas.


Health factors represent those things we can modify to improve the length and quality of life for residents.

Bastrop (BAS) is ranked among the healthiest counties in Texas (Highest 75%-100%).

Scale graphic showing that Bexar County being ranked among the top 25% healthiest counties in Texas.

Health Outcomes

Length of LifeBastrop (BAS) CountyTexasUnited States
Premature Death8,4007,9008,000
Quality of LifeBastrop (BAS) CountyTexasUnited States
Poor or Fair Health18%18%14%
Poor Physical Health Days3.63.33.3
Poor Mental Health Days4.94.64.8
Low Birthweight7%8%8%
Additional Health Outcomes (not included in overall ranking)Bastrop (BAS) CountyTexasUnited States
Life Expectancy77.477.377.6
Premature Age-Adjusted Mortality410400390
Child Mortality605050
Infant Mortality466
Frequent Physical Distress11%10%10%
Frequent Mental Distress16%14%15%
Diabetes Prevalence11%11%10%
HIV Prevalence259415382

Health Factors

Health BehaviorsBastrop (BAS) CountyTexasUnited States
Adult Smoking16%13%15%
Adult Obesity37%36%34%
Food Environment Index7.95.97.7
Physical Inactivity26%25%23%
Access to Exercise Opportunities47%82%84%
Excessive Drinking20%18%18%
Alcohol-Impaired Driving Deaths38%25%26%
Sexually Transmitted Infections425.2506.8495.5
Teen Births272417
Additional Health Behaviors (not included in overall ranking)Bastrop (BAS) CountyTexasUnited States
Food Insecurity11%14%10%
Limited Access to Healthy Foods6%8%6%
Drug Overdose Deaths131427
Insufficient Sleep35%33%33%
Clinical CareBastrop (BAS) CountyTexasUnited States
Primary Care Physicians4,250:11,660:11,330:1
Mental Health Providers1,450:1640:1320:1
Preventable Hospital Stays2,5242,9332,681
Mammography Screening36%39%43%
Flu Vaccinations39%43%46%
Additional Clinical Care (not included in overall ranking)Bastrop (BAS) CountyTexasUnited States
Uninsured Adults26%24%12%
Uninsured Children15%12%5%
Other Primary Care Providers2,080:1920:1760:1
Social & Economic FactorsBastrop (BAS) CountyTexasUnited States
High School Completion 83%85%89%
Some College 53%64%68%
Unemployment 3.3%3.9%3.7%
Children in Poverty 18%19%16%
Income Inequality
Children in Single-Parent Households 20%26%25%
Social Associations
Injury Deaths 856380
Additional Social & Economic Factors (not included in overall ranking)Bastrop (BAS) CountyTexasUnited States
High School Graduation 91%90%86%
Disconnected Youth 8%8%7%
Reading Scores
Math Scores 2.93.13
School Segregation
School Funding Adequacy -$7,964-$7,899$634
Gender Pay Gap 0.840.80.81
Median Household Income $73,400$72,300$74,800
Living Wage $47.09$43.60
Children Eligible for Free or Reduced Price Lunch 68%61%51%
Residential Segregation - Black/White 435563
Child Care Cost Burden 27%26%27%
Child Care Centers 657
Homicides 666
Suicides 191314
Firearm Fatalities 151412
Motor Vehicle Crash Deaths 291312
Juvenile Arrests 910
Voter Turnout 62.8%60.90%67.90%
Census Participation 55.2%65.20%
Physical EnvironmentBastrop (BAS) CountyTexasUnited States
Air Pollution - Particulate Matter
Drinking Water Violations Yes
Severe Housing Problems 16%17%17%
Driving Alone to Work 76%75%72%
Long Commute - Driving Alone 61%39%36%
Additional Physical Environment (not included in overall ranking)Bastrop (BAS) CountyTexasUnited States
Traffic Volume 27135108
Homeownership 78%62%65%
Severe Housing Cost Burden 11%14%14%
Broadband Access 84%88%88%

For more data on Bexar Country in all categories, visit County Health Rankings & Roadmaps

Bexar County 2024


of 244 ranked counties in Texas in 2023


Health outcomes represent how healthy a county is right now, in terms of length of life but quality of life as well.

Bexar (BEX) is ranked among the healthiest counties in Texas (Highest 75%-100%).

Scale graphic showing that Bexar County being ranked among the top 25% healthiest counties in Texas.


Health factors represent those things we can modify to improve the length and quality of life for residents.

Bexar (BEX) is ranked among the healthiest counties in Texas (Highest 75%-100%).

Scale graphic showing that Bexar County being ranked among the top 25% healthiest counties in Texas.

Health Outcomes

Length of LifeBexar (BEX) CountyTexasUnited States
Premature Death8,3007,9008,000
Quality of LifeBexar (BEX) CountyTexasUnited States
Poor or Fair Health21%18%14%
Poor Physical Health Days4.03.33.3
Poor Mental Health Days5.34.64.8
Low Birthweight9%8%8%
Additional Health Outcomes (not included in overall ranking)Bexar (BEX) CountyTexasUnited States
Life Expectancy76.777.377.6
Premature Age-Adjusted Mortality420400390
Child Mortality505050
Infant Mortality666
Frequent Physical Distress12%10%10%
Frequent Mental Distress17%14%15%
Diabetes Prevalence13%11%10%
HIV Prevalence415415382

Health Factors

Health BehaviorsBexar (BEX) CountyTexasUnited States
Adult Smoking13%13%15%
Adult Obesity39%36%34%
Food Environment Index6.95.97.7
Physical Inactivity25%25%23%
Access to Exercise Opportunities89%82%84%
Excessive Drinking18%18%18%
Alcohol-Impaired Driving Deaths29%25%26%
Sexually Transmitted Infections692.2506.8495.5
Teen Births242417
Additional Health Behaviors (not included in overall ranking)Bexar (BEX) CountyTexasUnited States
Food Insecurity14%14%10%
Limited Access to Healthy Foods10%8%6%
Drug Overdose Deaths151427
Insufficient Sleep37%33%33%
Clinical CareBexar (BEX) CountyTexasUnited States
Primary Care Physicians1,360:11,660:11,330:1
Mental Health Providers430:1640:1320:1
Preventable Hospital Stays2,4372,9332,681
Mammography Screening37%39%43%
Flu Vaccinations39%43%46%
Additional Clinical Care (not included in overall ranking)Bexar (BEX) CountyTexasUnited States
Uninsured Adults23%24%12%
Uninsured Children9%12%5%
Other Primary Care Providers730:1920:1760:1
Social & Economic FactorsBexar (BEX) CountyTexasUnited States
High School Completion 86%85%89%
Some College 65%64%68%
Unemployment 3.7%3.9%3.7%
Children in Poverty 22%19%16%
Income Inequality
Children in Single-Parent Households 30%26%25%
Social Associations
Injury Deaths 656380
Additional Social & Economic Factors (not included in overall ranking)Bexar (BEX) CountyTexasUnited States
High School Graduation 86%90%86%
Disconnected Youth 9%8%7%
Reading Scores
Math Scores 2.93.13
School Segregation
School Funding Adequacy -$4,279-$7,899$634
Gender Pay Gap 0.840.80.81
Median Household Income $65,800$72,300$74,800
Living Wage $43.01$43.60
Children Eligible for Free or Reduced Price Lunch 63%61%51%
Residential Segregation - Black/White 425563
Child Care Cost Burden 28%26%27%
Child Care Centers 457
Homicides 866
Suicides 131314
Firearm Fatalities 131412
Motor Vehicle Crash Deaths 121312
Juvenile Arrests 1110
Voter Turnout 57.6%60.90%67.90%
Census Participation 65.1%65.20%
Physical EnvironmentBexar (BEX) CountyTexasUnited States
Air Pollution - Particulate Matter
Drinking Water Violations Yes
Severe Housing Problems 18%17%17%
Driving Alone to Work 72%75%72%
Long Commute - Driving Alone 36%39%36%
Additional Physical Environment (not included in overall ranking)Bexar (BEX) CountyTexasUnited States
Traffic Volume 158135108
Homeownership 59%62%65%
Severe Housing Cost Burden 15%14%14%
Broadband Access 88%88%88%

For more data on Bexar Country in all categories, visit County Health Rankings & Roadmaps

Caldwell County 2023


of 244 ranked counties in Texas in 2023


Health outcomes represent how healthy a county is right now, in terms of length of life but quality of life as well.

Caldwell (CAL) is ranked in the higher middle range of counties in Texas (Highest 50%-75%).


Health factors represent those things we can modify to improve the length and quality of life for residents.

Caldwell (CAL) is ranked in the higher middle range of counties in Texas (Highest 50%-75%).

Health Outcomes

Length of LifeCaldwell (CAL) CountyTexasUnited States
Premature Death8,9007,9008,000
Quality of LifeCaldwell (CAL) CountyTexasUnited States
Poor or Fair Health22%18%14%
Poor Physical Health Days4.23.33.3
Poor Mental Health Days5.14.64.8
Low Birthweight9%8%8%
Additional Health Outcomes (not included in overall ranking)Caldwell (CAL) CountyTexasUnited States
Life Expectancy75.877.377.6
Premature Age-Adjusted Mortality470400390
Child Mortality505050
Infant Mortality66
Frequent Physical Distress13%10%10%
Frequent Mental Distress17%14%15%
Diabetes Prevalence13%11%10%
HIV Prevalence230415382

Health Factors

Health BehaviorsCaldwell (CAL) CountyTexasUnited States
Adult Smoking17%13%15%
Adult Obesity41%36%34%
Food Environment Index7.45.97.7
Physical Inactivity32%25%23%
Access to Exercise Opportunities40%82%84%
Excessive Drinking17%18%18%
Alcohol-Impaired Driving Deaths18%25%26%
Sexually Transmitted Infections438.1506.8495.5
Teen Births342417
Additional Health Behaviors (not included in overall ranking)Caldwell (CAL) CountyTexasUnited States
Food Insecurity13%14%10%
Limited Access to Healthy Foods7%8%6%
Drug Overdose Deaths1427
Insufficient Sleep34%33%33%
Clinical CareCaldwell (CAL) CountyTexasUnited States
Primary Care Physicians3,900:11,660:11,330:1
Mental Health Providers1,140:1640:1320:1
Preventable Hospital Stays3,1872,9332,681
Mammography Screening30%39%43%
Flu Vaccinations41%43%46%
Additional Clinical Care (not included in overall ranking)Caldwell (CAL) CountyTexasUnited States
Uninsured Adults30%24%12%
Uninsured Children15%12%5%
Other Primary Care Providers2,660:1920:1760:1
Social & Economic FactorsCaldwell (CAL) CountyTexasUnited States
High School Completion 80%85%89%
Some College 43%64%68%
Unemployment 3.5%3.9%3.7%
Children in Poverty 21%19%16%
Income Inequality
Children in Single-Parent Households 19%26%25%
Social Associations
Injury Deaths 706380
Additional Social & Economic Factors (not included in overall ranking)Caldwell (CAL) CountyTexasUnited States
High School Graduation 92%90%86%
Disconnected Youth 20%8%7%
Reading Scores
Math Scores 2.63.13
School Segregation
School Funding Adequacy -$8,580-$7,899$634
Gender Pay Gap 0.760.80.81
Median Household Income $60,800$72,300$74,800
Living Wage $45.33$43.60
Children Eligible for Free or Reduced Price Lunch 78%61%51%
Residential Segregation - Black/White 335563
Child Care Cost Burden 33%26%27%
Child Care Centers 457
Homicides 666
Suicides 141314
Firearm Fatalities 141412
Motor Vehicle Crash Deaths 231312
Juvenile Arrests 2810
Voter Turnout 51.5%60.90%67.90%
Census Participation 55.7%65.20%
Physical EnvironmentCaldwell (CAL)TexasUnited States
Air Pollution - Particulate Matter
Drinking Water Violations Yes
Severe Housing Problems 19%17%17%
Driving Alone to Work 80%75%72%
Long Commute - Driving Alone 56%39%36%
Additional Physical Environment (not included in overall ranking)Caldwell (CAL) CountyTexasUnited States
Traffic Volume 32135108
Homeownership 72%62%65%
Severe Housing Cost Burden 11%14%14%
Broadband Access 85%88%88%

For more data on Bexar Country in all categories, visit County Health Rankings & Roadmaps

Comal County 2024


of 244 ranked counties in Texas in 2023


Health outcomes represent how healthy a county is right now, in terms of length of life but quality of life as well.

Comal (COM) is ranked among the healthiest counties in Texas (Highest 75%-100%).

Scale graphic showing that Comal County being ranked among the top 25% healthiest counties in Texas.


Health factors represent those things we can modify to improve the length and quality of life for residents.

Comal (COM) is ranked among the healthiest counties in Texas (Highest 75%-100%).

Scale graphic showing that Comal County being ranked among the top 25% healthiest counties in Texas.

Health Outcomes

Length of LifeComal (COM)TexasUnited States
Premature Death7,1007,9008,000
Quality of LifeComal (COM)TexasUnited States
Poor or Fair Health14%18%14%
Poor Physical Health Days3.23.33.3
Poor Mental Health Days4.94.64.8
Low Birthweight7%8%8%
Additional Health Outcomes (not included in overall ranking)Comal (COM)TexasUnited States
Life Expectancy78.377.277.6
Premature Age-Adjusted Mortality330400390
Child Mortality505050
Infant Mortality666
Frequent Physical Distress10%10%10%
Frequent Mental Distress15%14%15%
Diabetes Prevalence10%12%9%
HIV Prevalence152405380

Health Factors

Health BehaviorsComal (COM)TexasUnited States
Adult Smoking13%13%15%
Adult Obesity31%36%34%
Food Environment Index8.05.97.7
Physical Inactivity21%25%23%
Access to Exercise Opportunities71%82%84%
Excessive Drinking20%18%18%
Alcohol-Impaired Driving Deaths25%25%26%
Sexually Transmitted Infections262.9506.8495.5
Teen Births152417
Additional Health Behaviors (not included in overall ranking)Comal (COM)TexasUnited States
Food Insecurity11%14%10%
Limited Access to Healthy Foods4%8%6%
Drug Overdose Deaths81427
Insufficient Sleep31%33%33%
Clinical CareComal (COM)TexasUnited States
Primary Care Physicians1,680:11,660:11,330:1
Mental Health Providers590:1640:1320:1
Preventable Hospital Stays2,1162,9332,681
Mammography Screening42539%43%
Flu Vaccinations43%43%46%
Additional Clinical Care (not included in overall ranking)Comal (COM)TexasUnited States
Uninsured Adults17%24%12%
Uninsured Children10%12%5%
Other Primary Care Providers1,110:1920:1760:1
Social & Economic FactorsComal (COM)TexasUnited States
High School Completion 94%85%89%
Some College 70%64%68%
Unemployment 3.5%3.9%3.7%
Children in Poverty 9%19%16%
Income Inequality
Children in Single-Parent Households 15%26%25%
Social Associations
Injury Deaths 626380
Additional Social & Economic Factors (not included in overall ranking)Comal (COM)TexasUnited States
High School Graduation 96%90%86%
Disconnected Youth 8%8%7%
Reading Scores
Math Scores 3.33.13
School Segregation
School Funding Adequacy -$569-$7,899$634
Gender Pay Gap 0.840.80.81
Median Household Income $93,000$72,300$74,800
Living Wage $46.22$43.6
Children Eligible for Free or Reduced Price Lunch 33%61%51%
Residential Segregation - Black/White 405563
Child Care Cost Burden 20%26%27%
Child Care Centers 457
Homicides 266
Suicides 201414
Firearm Fatalities 161313
Motor Vehicle Crash Deaths 131312
Juvenile Arrests 1310
Voter Turnout 79.7%60.90%67.90%
Census Participation 65.6%65.20%
Physical EnvironmentComal (COM)TexasUnited States
Air Pollution - Particulate Matter
Drinking Water Violations Yes
Severe Housing Problems 13%17%17%
Driving Alone to Work 75%75%72%
Long Commute - Driving Alone 49%39%36%
Additional Physical Environment (not included in overall ranking)Comal (COM)TexasUnited States
Traffic Volume 87135108
Homeownership 76%62%65%
Severe Housing Cost Burden 12%14%14%
Broadband Access 94%88%88%

For more data on Comal Country in all categories, visit County Health Rankings & Roadmaps

Hays County 2024


of 244 ranked counties in Texas in 2023


Health outcomes represent how healthy a county is right now, in terms of length of life but quality of life as well.

Hays (HYS) is ranked among the healthiest counties in Texas (Highest 75%-100%).

Scale graphic showing that Hays County being ranked among the top 25% healthiest counties in Texas.


Health factors represent those things we can modify to improve the length and quality of life for residents.

Hays (HYS) is ranked among the healthiest counties in Texas (Highest 75%-100%).

Scale graphic showing that Hays County being ranked among the top 25% healthiest counties in Texas.

Health Outcomes

Length of LifeHays (HYS)CountyTexasUnited States
Premature Death5,5007,9008,000
Quality of LifeHays (HYS) CountyTexasUnited States
Poor or Fair Health17%18%14%
Poor Physical Health Days3.43.33.3
Poor Mental Health Days5.44.64.8
Low Birthweight7%8%8%
Additional Health Outcomes (not included in overall ranking)Hays (HYS)CountyTexasUnited States
Life Expectancy79.877.277.6
Premature Age-Adjusted Mortality290400390
Child Mortality405050
Infant Mortality466
Frequent Physical Distress11%10%10%
Frequent Mental Distress16%14%15%
Diabetes Prevalence11%11%10%
HIV Prevalence198415382

Health Factors

Health BehaviorsHays (HYS) CountyTexasUnited States
Adult Smoking14%13%15%
Adult Obesity30%36%34%
Food Environment Index8.15.97.7
Physical Inactivity24%25%23%
Access to Exercise Opportunities81%82%84%
Excessive Drinking21%18%18%
Alcohol-Impaired Driving Deaths27%25%26%
Sexually Transmitted Infections434.2506.8495.5
Teen Births132417
Additional Health Behaviors (not included in overall ranking)Hays (HYS) CountyTexasUnited States
Food Insecurity12%14%10%
Limited Access to Healthy Foods2%8%6%
Drug Overdose Deaths91427
Insufficient Sleep30%33%33%
Clinical CareHays (HYS) CountyTexasUnited States
Primary Care Physicians2,260:11,660:11,330:1
Mental Health Providers810:1640:1320:1
Preventable Hospital Stays1,9762,9332,681
Mammography Screening40%39%43%
Flu Vaccinations47%43%46%
Additional Clinical Care (not included in overall ranking)Hays (HYS)CountyTexasUnited States
Uninsured Adults19%24%12%
Uninsured Children10%12%5%
Other Primary Care Providers1,420:1920:1760:1
Social & Economic FactorsHays (HYS)CountyTexasUnited States
High School Completion 91%85%89%
Some College 70%64%68%
Unemployment 3.0%3.9%3.7%
Children in Poverty 8%19%16%
Income Inequality
Children in Single-Parent Households 17%26%25%
Social Associations
Injury Deaths 516380
Additional Social & Economic Factors (not included in overall ranking)Hays (HYS)CountyTexasUnited States
High School Graduation 89%90%86%
Disconnected Youth 6%8%7%
Reading Scores
Math Scores 2.93.13
School Segregation
School Funding Adequacy -$1,366-$7,899$634
Gender Pay Gap 0.840.80.81
Median Household Income $89,100$72,300$74,800
Living Wage $47.85$43.60
Children Eligible for Free or Reduced Price Lunch 45%61%51%
Residential Segregation - Black/White 415563
Child Care Cost Burden 22%26%27%
Child Care Centers 657
Homicides 466
Suicides 131414
Firearm Fatalities 111313
Motor Vehicle Crash Deaths 121312
Juvenile Arrests 1310
Voter Turnout 68.20%60.90%67.90%
Census Participation 59.00%65.20%
Physical EnvironmentHays (HYS)CountyTexasUnited States
Air Pollution - Particulate Matter
Drinking Water Violations No
Severe Housing Problems 19%17%17%
Driving Alone to Work 74%75%72%
Long Commute - Driving Alone 50%39%36%
Additional Physical Environment (not included in overall ranking)Hays (HYS)CountyTexasUnited States
Traffic Volume 98135108
Homeownership 63%62%65%
Severe Housing Cost Burden 17%14%14%
Broadband Access 91%88%88%

For more data on Hays Country in all categories, visit County Health Rankings & Roadmaps

Travis County 2024


of 244 ranked counties in Texas in 2023


Health outcomes represent how healthy a county is right now, in terms of length of life but quality of life as well.

Travis (TRA) is ranked among the healthiest counties in Texas (Highest 75%-100%).

Scale graphic showing that Travis County being ranked among the top 25% healthiest counties in Texas.


Health factors represent those things we can modify to improve the length and quality of life for residents.

Travis (TRA) is ranked among the healthiest counties in Texas (Highest 75%-100%).

Scale graphic showing that Travis County being ranked among the top 25% healthiest counties in Texas.

Health Outcomes

Length of LifeTravis (TRA) CountyTexasUnited States
Premature Death5,4007,9008,000
Quality of LifeTravis (TRA) CountyTexasUnited States
Poor or Fair Health14%18%14%
Poor Physical Health Days3.13.33.3
Poor Mental Health Days5.04.64.8
Low Birthweight8%8%8%
Additional Health Outcomes (not included in overall ranking)Travis (TRA) CountyTexasUnited States
Life Expectancy80.677.277.6
Premature Age-Adjusted Mortality280400390
Child Mortality405050
Infant Mortality466
Frequent Physical Distress9%10%10%
Frequent Mental Distress15%14%15%
Diabetes Prevalence9%11%10%
HIV Prevalence473415382

Health Factors

Health BehaviorsTravis (TRA) CountyTexasUnited States
Adult Smoking11%13%15%
Adult Obesity28%36%34%
Food Environment Index7.85.97.7
Physical Inactivity19%25%23%
Access to Exercise Opportunities92%82%84%
Excessive Drinking23%18%18%
Alcohol-Impaired Driving Deaths25%25%26%
Sexually Transmitted Infections662.5506.8495.5
Teen Births192417
Additional Health Behaviors (not included in overall ranking)Travis (TRA) CountyTexasUnited States
Food Insecurity12%14%10%
Limited Access to Healthy Foods5%8%6%
Drug Overdose Deaths171427
Insufficient Sleep30%33%33%
Clinical CareTravis (TRA) CountyTexasUnited States
Primary Care Physicians1,190:11,660:11,330:1
Mental Health Providers270:1640:1320:1
Preventable Hospital Stays2,2722,9332,681
Mammography Screening40%39%43%
Flu Vaccinations51%43%46%
Additional Clinical Care (not included in overall ranking)Travis (TRA) CountyTexasUnited States
Uninsured Adults17%24%12%
Uninsured Children9%12%5%
Other Primary Care Providers760:1920:1760:1
Social & Economic FactorsTravis (TRA) CountyTexasUnited States
High School Completion 91%85%89%
Some College 78%64%68%
Unemployment 2.8%3.9%3.7%
Children in Poverty 12%19%16%
Income Inequality
Children in Single-Parent Households 22%26%25%
Social Associations
Injury Deaths 616380
Additional Social & Economic Factors (not included in overall ranking)Travis (TRA) CountyTexasUnited States
High School Graduation 92%90%86%
Disconnected Youth 4%8%7%
Reading Scores
Math Scores 3.23.13
School Segregation
School Funding Adequacy -$6,685-$7,899$634
Gender Pay Gap 0.810.80.81
Median Household Income $95,200$72,300$74,800
Living Wage $49.32$43.60
Children Eligible for Free or Reduced Price Lunch 49%61%51%
Residential Segregation - Black/White 505563
Child Care Cost Burden 22%26%27%
Child Care Centers 757
Homicides 466
Suicides 131414
Firearm Fatalities 101313
Motor Vehicle Crash Deaths 101312
Juvenile Arrests 710
Voter Turnout 70.9%60.90%67.90%
Census Participation 64.4%65.20%
Physical EnvironmentTravis (TRA) CountyTexasUnited States
Air Pollution - Particulate Matter
Drinking Water Violations Yes
Severe Housing Problems 18%17%17%
Driving Alone to Work 63%75%72%
Long Commute - Driving Alone 37%39%36%
Additional Physical Environment (not included in overall ranking)Travis (TRA) CountyTexasUnited States
Traffic Volume 172135108
Homeownership 53%62%65%
Severe Housing Cost Burden 16%14%14%
Broadband Access 93%88%88%

For more data on Travis Country in all categories, visit County Health Rankings & Roadmaps

Williamson County 2024


of 244 ranked counties in Texas in 2023


Health outcomes represent how healthy a county is right now, in terms of length of life but quality of life as well.

Williamson (WIM) is ranked among the healthiest counties in Texas (Highest 75%-100%).

Scale graphic showing that Williamson County being ranked among the top 25% healthiest counties in Texas.


Health factors represent those things we can modify to improve the length and quality of life for residents.

Williamson (WIM) is ranked among the healthiest counties in Texas (Highest 75%-100%).

Scale graphic showing that Williamson County being ranked among the top 25% healthiest counties in Texas.

Health Outcomes

Length of LifeWilliamson (WIM) CountyTexasUnited States
Premature Death4,8007,9008,000
Quality of LifeWilliamson (WIM) CountyTexasUnited States
Poor or Fair Health13%18%14%
Poor Physical Health Days2.93.33.3
Poor Mental Health Days4.94.64.8
Low Birthweight7%8%8%
Additional Health Outcomes (not included in overall ranking)Williamson (WIM) CountyTexasUnited States
Life Expectancy8177.277.6
Premature Age-Adjusted Mortality250400390
Child Mortality305050
Infant Mortality466
Frequent Physical Distress9%10%10%
Frequent Mental Distress15%14%15%
Diabetes Prevalence9%11%10%
HIV Prevalence182415382

Health Factors

Health BehaviorsWilliamson (WIM) CountyTexasUnited States
Adult Smoking11%13%15%
Adult Obesity32%36%34%
Food Environment Index7.85.97.7
Physical Inactivity19%25%23%
Access to Exercise Opportunities89%82%84%
Excessive Drinking18%18%18%
Alcohol-Impaired Driving Deaths23%25%26%
Sexually Transmitted Infections265.5506.8495.5
Teen Births102417
Additional Health Behaviors (not included in overall ranking)Williamson (WIM) CountyTexasUnited States
Food Insecurity10%14%10%
Limited Access to Healthy Foods9%8%6%
Drug Overdose Deaths91427
Insufficient Sleep32%33%33%
Clinical CareWilliamson (WIM) CountyTexasUnited States
Primary Care Physicians1,460:11,660:11,330:1
Mental Health Providers610:1640:1320:1
Preventable Hospital Stays2,1022,9332,681
Mammography Screening42%39%43%
Flu Vaccinations49%43%46%
Additional Clinical Care (not included in overall ranking)Williamson (WIM) CountyTexasUnited States
Uninsured Adults16%24%12%
Uninsured Children8%12%5%
Other Primary Care Providers1,170:1920:1760:1
Social & Economic FactorsWilliamson (WIM) CountyTexasUnited States
High School Completion 94%85%89%
Some College 79%64%68%
Unemployment 2.9%3.9%3.7%
Children in Poverty 7%19%16%
Income Inequality
Children in Single-Parent Households 17%26%25%
Social Associations
Injury Deaths 436380
Additional Social & Economic Factors (not included in overall ranking)Williamson (WIM) CountyTexasUnited States
High School Graduation 95%90%86%
Disconnected Youth 6%8%7%
Reading Scores
Math Scores 3.23.13
School Segregation
School Funding Adequacy -$1,589-$7,899$634
Gender Pay Gap 0.720.80.81
Median Household Income $101,900$72,300$74,800
Living Wage $50.28$43.60
Children Eligible for Free or Reduced Price Lunch 26%61%51%
Residential Segregation - Black/White 385563
Child Care Cost Burden 20%26%27%
Child Care Centers 857
Homicides 266
Suicides 131414
Firearm Fatalities 91313
Motor Vehicle Crash Deaths 81312
Juvenile Arrests 610
Voter Turnout 74.7%60.90%67.90%
Census Participation 69.4%65.20%
Physical EnvironmentWilliamson (WIM) CountyTexasUnited States
Air Pollution - Particulate Matter
Drinking Water Violations No
Severe Housing Problems 13%17%17%
Driving Alone to Work 69%75%72%
Long Commute - Driving Alone 44%39%36%
Additional Physical Environment (not included in overall ranking)Williamson (WIM) CountyTexasUnited States
Traffic Volume 75135108
Homeownership 68%62%65%
Severe Housing Cost Burden 11%14%14%
Broadband Access 95%88%88%

For more data on Williamson Country in all categories, visit County Health Rankings & Roadmaps

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