Come together to share and learn tips & tools to manage change, major life events and the stresses of the military and veteran lifestyle.
Do you ever feel like you are stuck in a maze, trying to find a path through the stresses of the military and veteran lifestyle? Military & veteran families know a lot about change: moves, new jobs, new schools, another new doctor, transitioning out of the military, and other major life events. Change Happens! But it does not always mean change is easy or graceful. Let's come together to learn tips and new tools to manage change while supporting each other.
This is a free single-night workshop led by VSN peer leader, Stephanie Smart.
To be eligible for this group you must be the spouse or partner of an active duty service member or post-service veteran, a caregiver, a divorced or widowed spouse of a veteran or active duty service member, or an active duty service member or veteran.