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Finding Hope: Guidance for Supporting Those at Risk (FLCS)

Practical Guidance for Supporting Someone At-Risk for Suicide

When someone in your life attempts suicide or struggles with suicidal thoughts, it can be difficult to know how to best support them in their recovery. Whether you are a family member, close friend, co-worker, neighbor, or other caring person of someone with lived experience, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention wants to help you understand and navigate this process.

This program was designed to provide you with information, resources, and practical guidance on how to support someone in your life with lived experience of suicide.

The following topics will be addressed as part of this program: 

  • Understanding Suicide 

  • Providing Support during the Recovery Process

  • Understanding the Perspective of the Suicidal Person 

  • Identifying an Individual’s Warning Signs

  • Safety Planning

  • Making the Environment Safe

  • How to check-in with your loved one

  • Learning about Treatment Options 

  • Responding to a Crisis 

  • Self-Care

Suggested Participants: 

This program is intended for those who care about and are supporting another person with lived experience (i.e. someone who has made a suicide attempt, struggles with suicidal thoughts currently or in the past, or both). While the program may benefit those with lived experience of suicide themselves, the content is focusing on providing support to others.  AFSP understands that attendees interested in learning to best support those they care about may also have their own lived experience. 

*Note: Pre-registration is required and participants must be at least 18 years or older to attend.

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