Promising Practices
Visualizing Mental Health
Visualizing Mental Health (VMH) is a cost-free certification program that equips Central Texas mental health and industry professionals with the knowledge and skills to build and utilize a customized mental health data dashboard for their organization. VMH aims to increase access to mental health data by putting reliable, community-level data in a simple but valuable tool for Central Texas industry professionals.
Mapping Public Health
This online course provides participants with the skills and tools necessary to access, analyze, visualize, and share spatial data. Participants will utilize ArcGIS Online, a geographic information science software, to conduct location-based analysis applied in public health.
Data Science Pathways
Data Science Pathways (DSP) is a world-class, cost-free online program designed for healthcare and industry professionals to provide pathways to a data science degree, certification, career advancements, or fast-tracked career.
AgriSafe’s FarmResponse course includes the full range of competencies necessary to provide appropriate mental healthcare for agricultural producers and their families.
Down on the Farm Training Kit
Down on the Farm: Supporting Farmers in Stressful Times is a 3-hour workshop that teaches people who live and work in agricultural communities how to recognize and respond when they suspect a farmer or farm family member might need help.
Rural Community Health Toolkit
This toolkit provides rural communities with the information, resources, and materials they need to develop a community health program in a rural community.
Mental Health in Rural Communities Toolkit
The toolkit compiles evidence-based and promising models and resources to support organizations implementing mental health programs in rural communities across the United States.